It’s Time to Make Art for Art’s Sake
With all that is going on worldwide, it’s the best time to make art because you want to and with no worry that others will like it or want to buy it.
Make it extra-large or tiny. Make it intricately crazy or sublimely simple. Cut loose all your inhibitions and unleash your creativity with as much fury and passion as you can muster. You might make a masterpiece for all time or something less. It doesn’t matter.
What does matter is you engulfed and absorbed yourself into a creative art-making project as never before. The Covid-19 numbers are incomprehensibly staggering and frightening and we can only do so much to stop it from devastating our world.
If there ever was a time to devote to making art for art’s sake, it is now. Give yourself unbridled permission to go for it with a gusto that you plumb from the depths of your creativity and desire. Go forth and make art gleefully with abandon.
I’m sending much love and warmest wishes for a multitude of blessings upon you.
Go in peace. Stay safe. Be smart and be well.