Member-only story
How to Handle Expectations, Being Crazy, and Art Business Success
The truly creative person is one who can think crazy; such a person knows full well that many of his great ideas will prove to be worthless
— Frank Goble
I want to tell you about a terrific artist who is also my cousin. She is in a group I coach for art business success. If you follow me, you may know about my AMTP membership program that advises an international group of artists on learning practical art marketing to help them live their best artist lives. It’s priced for all artists, no matter who they are or where they live.
I believe how you market your art has everything to do with how you live your life as an artist. The goal is to help AMTP members to enjoy their best artists’ lives by assisting them in knowing what is possible and how to create a plan to turn dreams into reality.
I’m Her Elder
I’m a month older than my cousin. We started kindergarten together and are good friends living nearby in Phoenix. She is an AMTP member and the extraordinary artist who painted sweet Lucie, our cherished first rescue who you see in the image above. My apologies for the resolution, but despite that, you can see the skill and artistry in bringing out Lucie’s personality. It touches me every time I see it.